
Ainsley Harriers Take York College Title.

All hail Ainsley Harriers – winners of the York College Tuesday Premier League.

With the season now at its end, Ainsley Harriers all but took the title a few weeks ago but yesterday was when it became a reality when they defeated Kroos Control 2-1.

Like a lot of our leagues, this one has not failed to deliver and we have witnessed some great goals, saves and football as a whole.

We would also like to say well done to runners up FC Guppys who put up a great fight and pushed hard throughout the season.

All the teams that have taken part deserve a massive round of applause. Well done from all at Mundial House.

With the Cup Finals due to played next week, there is still a chance for silverware.

If you would like to take part in the York College Tuesday league, all you need to do is click here and apply.

football mundial – accept no substitute.

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