
Influx Of Teams In Bournemouth - We Love It!

We asked you to respond Bournemouth and you certainly did!

Not one, not two but three new teams have signed up just in time for the new season and have already enjoyed their first matches.

So, we would like to welcome to our family:

  • Ajax Trees
  • Bondage Mansion FC
  • Andys Angels

We still have places in the Bournemouth Tuesday league, which is played at the excellent Bournemouth University Talbot Campus and we would love you to join.

Should you and your team have what it takes to spank Bondage Mansion FC or chop Ajax Trees down to size, maybe you can give Andys Angels dirty faces then let us know by applying here.. League Secretary Harry Stobert is ready in the office right now to take your application, process it and get you straight into the action.

Should you want to check out the Bournemouth league, and why not we say! Click here.

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