
Luton League Keeps On Going & Growing!

Luton has become one of our most successful leagues over the last few months and as a result we are looking to expand it from 14 to 18 teams, already we have had two teams sign up, so only a couple of spaces are left.

If you are interested in joining, it couldn’t be simpler, literally press here or here to fill in an application form. League Secretary Harry Stobert is ready, poised, willing and (we think!) able to get you going straight away.

We also have to say that part of the pulling power of the Luton League is the amazing venue of Barnfield West Academy.

Utilising three 3G state-of-the-art pitches (Synthetic Grass), we can have multiple games playing and rotating at once. All of this really helps to enhance the experience of the users and the feedback we are getting back is, to quote the youngsters, “sick” (which we are assured is a good thing!!)

football mundial – accept no substitute.

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