
New Season In Lincoln Coming Soon - Are You A Part Of It?

The new season starts in Lincoln at the end of October and we are really excited about it!

Already we have seven teams lined up to do battle, but being the greedy lot that we are, we still have space for more and we would love your team to join us.

So, have you got the skills to beat:

  • Team GB
  • Sills Sabres
  • L.C.H.S
  • Lincoln Youths
  • Baines On Toast
  • WM Morrisons
  • The Reds

Then what are you waiting for? Come on Lincoln, click here and apply.

In less time than it takes League Secretary Harry Stobert to write his own name, you could be registered and fixtures allocated for your first game – now that is class!

All matches are played at the amazing (and we really do mean it) venue of Cherry Willingham Community School which boasts three 3G pitches, so we can have lots of matches all at once – all adds to the fun and excitement!

If you want to see more about the venue and we really couldn’t blame you, just click here.

football mundial – accept no substitute.

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