
Ohh Matron!! What A Saucy Lot You Are!

Well then, you lot are a bunch of tinkers aren’t you!

Over the past few weeks we have seen an influx of teams with a few saucy names!

In Mundial House, we have been compiling the best team names that are ‘close to the wire’ and we have come up with these:

1. Tickle My Pickle
2. Smash the Back Fours In
3. FC Bare Clunge
4. Multiple Scoregasms
5. Inter YourMum
6. Stoke Titty

We have our winners in the office, but we want you to tell us which one you like the best and we will compare notes at the end!

Maybe you have a better name that we have missed! If you have, let us know and we can add you to the list.

You racy lot you!!

football mundial – accept no substitute.

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