Luton League Looking For One More Team.
Never satisfied are we! Well when you have such an excellent league such as our Luton one, it’s easy to see why!
We have 14 teams all playing some great football and, at the moment, there is any one of six sides that could claim the top spot in the coming weeks.
However, we have one place left for any new team wishing to join and League Secretary Harry Stobart is waiting to fill that single space. All you need to do is complete this application form and submit it. Harry will do the rest whilst you get your team ready for the games that need to be played!
Matches are played on a Monday between 7-9pm at Barnfield West Academy and for just £30.00 per week, this really is excellent value for money.
So, don’t delay, get that application in and join the fastest growing sport in the United Kingdom. We are one of the leading suppliers of this sport – join our family today.
football mundial – accept no substitute.