Hot Streaks!
The topic of streaks came up at Mundial House (and I’m not talking those performed by less than fully clothed individuals!) the other day and although it lead to a fair amount of debate within the four walls, one thing it did highlight is that we don’t, as such, have a list of records of which team did what.
Achievement is the name of the game for some, whilst others play for fun or fitness, but no matter what the calling is that made you form your team and take to the many pitches that we utilise up and down this country of ours, any team can go on a streak.
These impressive runs can take many forms, winning, losing, goals scored and goals conceded are just a few off the top of my head. We have had an individual on our Facebook feed tell someone to “…come back after they are 26 games unbeaten” whilst we know that the previous season saw Bone Dry Bangers of our Epsom league smash in over 100 league goals in one campaign.
Whilst our League Secretaries scratch their heads to try and recall various names and figures, I thought that I would turn to a more knowledgeable outlet – you! After all, you play the game! So if you do have an amazing statistic to share (and one that can hopefully be backed up!) then let us know and maybe we can get a hall of fame up and going to record the hot streaks of football mundial.