
What’s In A Name?

Bit of a more serious blog entry this week I’m afraid! One of the highlights of this kind of business is that we try and give as much leniency with regards to team names as we can, after all no-one really wants a nanny state police force looking at them for every little thing.

However, one thing that football mundial can’t and nor will we tolerate are names that take it too far, or have connotations to certain activities that are not deemed socially acceptable on any level.

Recently we have had to change a few team names (our League Organisers have been on contact with the relevant teams to explain why and I’m happy to report that all understood the reasons) and several more are under review to see if they are now appropriate.

Whilst we understand that 99% of the time, it is just good humoured word play and we all enjoy a little “double entendre” as the saying goes, we have to make sure what is portrayed is nothing more sinister than that.

To be fair, some of the names you guys have come up with are just amazing and show what sharp witted minds are out there, but we, as a company, have to be careful what we can allow and what is “crossing the line.”

We hope that you understand our position on this and appreciate your cooperation if we do contact you regarding your team name.

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